your child's personal connection to a healthy lifestyle




live as healthy as possible

for as long as possible

- - -   It's a GREAT idea.   - - -


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ENDURO Health Habits

Child Safety








YES-Safe Child Initiative


Child Safety and Health is our first priority.  Many organizations say these are a priority.  But, how many

youth sports organizations have actually built their organization For That Purpose.


When YES-Running becomes your choice for a sports alternative for your young son or daughter, you

(as a parent) are also telling your fellow parents (and others) that child safety and health is at the top of

your list of priorities, as well. 


YES-Athletics requires the Coordinator of each YES-Running League to take the lead for child safety by

completing a background check for drug and sex offender crimes through their state's bureau of investigation.

However, this does not reduce the responsibility for each individual parent to know the adult that their child is

being entrusted to.  The only real way to ensure the safety of your child if for YOU, the parent, to be directly

involved in your child's activities.  Therefore, if you're not willing or able to be directly involved in YES-Running

with your child - the YES-Running program is not for you.  Parent involvement is required in YES-Running.

Direct parent involvement is the absolute best way to ensure child safety and health.


The entire YES-Running program is built around a "small team" model.  Each child is a member of a small

team that has four children the same grade and gender.  This model makes it very easy for each parent to

share the parenting responsibility with other parents.  The parents of each team select and invite the other

parents (and their child) to "join the team".  YES-Parents are, therefore, directly responsible for determining

who the other parents (and children) will be on their child's team - making each team as safe as possible.

The four parents (families) on each team can become a very important "support team" for each other in

the areas of health and safety for their children. 


Volunteers within each club are encourage to follow the leadership demonstrated by the league coordinator

by completing a background check.  HOWEVER - - - parents are the ultimate key to child health and safety.


Refer to the Club Membership page to see if the league coordinator for your child's club has completed a

background check through your state's bureau of investigation or other reputable organization.









© Copyright 2006-2013, Youth ENDURO Sports, Inc.;  All rights reserved